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Portal o Europskoj uniji


Sve novosti dostupne su na 24 službena jezika putem strojnog prijevoda.

Participation of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to the European Council
  • Press release

EU leaders reiterated their support for Ukraine and expressed their concern over the situation in the Middle East. They also discussed ensuring a rules-based international order, competitiveness, migration, the situation in Moldova and Georgia, external relations and other issues.

Les Amazones in Iceland
  • News article

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, an opportunity to raise awareness of the disease, and to highlight how early detection can significantly improve the chances of a successful outcome. The EU contributes to this battle against breast cancer through its Beating Cancer Plan.

Book fair decorative drawing
  • Press release

Apply before 11 February 2025 to get funding for the translation, publication, distribution, and promotion of European literary works of fiction. With a budget of €5 million, Creative Europe is ready to finance about 40 literary projects through this latest call.

Saznajte više

Zajednička načela i vrijednosti koje su temelj života u EU-u: sloboda, demokracija, jednakost i vladavina prava, promicanje mira i stabilnosti

Saznajte što EU čini za građane, kako štiti prava, promiče blagostanje i nastoji svijet učiniti sigurnijim.

Nastavni materijali, igre i mnogo više o Europskoj uniji i njezinim aktivnostima za djecu, mlade, učitelje i roditelje.